Starting a sports blog isn’t just about sharing your thoughts and experiences; it’s about building a platform to generate income while you sleep. If you’ve ever pondered the idea of blogging but needed help figuring out where to begin, you’re in the right place. This guide walks through setting up your sports blog and emphasizes how to monetize it effectively.


The internet is brimming with stories of bloggers who’ve turned their narratives into full-fledged businesses. Blogging lets you to connect with a global audience, share your expertise, and make money. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Pick a Niche Topic for Your Sports Blog Using Search Data

Choosing a niche for your blog is the foundation of your online venture. While it’s tempting to follow your heart and write about your passions, if your primary goal is to make money online, you must balance what you love and what your potential audience is searching for. Here’s how leveraging search data can virtually guarantee your blog’s success:

The Power of Search Data

Every day, millions of people use search engines to find answers to their questions. These search queries can provide invaluable insights into what potential readers are interested in. By tapping into this data, you can identify high-demand topics with relatively low competition, giving you a great chance of ranking high in the search results and attract a steady stream of visitors.

How to Use Search Data Effectively

  • Keyword Research Tools: Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Mangools to identify popular search terms for your potential niche.
  • Analyze Search Volume: Look for keywords with a significant search volume and a low keyword density/competition score. These indicate topics with substantial audience interest, along with keywords you can use on Google.
    • For example, if you wanted to start a sports blog, it would be challenging to show up in the top 10 on Google for the term “football.” You’d compete against big media like CBS, NBC, ESPN, NFL, etc, and lose.

However, if you dug into the related keywords, some low-competition keywords might work if you’re open-minded and think about the monetization strategy.

  • Evaluate Competition: While high search volume is good, it’s equally crucial to assess the competition. Opt for topics where you can provide better, more comprehensive content than currently available.
  • Understand Searcher Intent: Dive deeper into why someone might search for a particular term. Are they looking for information, a solution to a problem, or perhaps a product recommendation? Tailoring your content to match this intent increases the likelihood of attracting and retaining readers.
    • Take the “how to throw a football” example. What is the search intent? If you don’t know the answer, ask AI!

From this, we can distill that:

  • People are looking up “how to throw a football.”
  • There is a good chance they have an interest in the sport
  • There is a high likelihood they’d be interested in things that help them throw the ball
  • And they might want to get an excellent ball to learn with — something you can help them find.

Are we starting a personal blog about throwing a football better? Possibly! Let’s look deeper into the keyword and see the related results…

There are over 12,000 searches related to throwing a football. People want to know how to throw farther, how to throw a spiral, how to do it correctly, how to hold it… etc.

Can you sell a couple of footballs on Amazon if you have 12,000 people coming to you a month? A 1% conversion rate- a baseline rate you can generally expect to make — is 120 monthly sales. Now, if you can pair this niche with a higher paying offer or get the conversion rate up to about 30%…. that scales WAY UP to 3,600 sales! YUP.

Step 2: Choose a Blogging Platform and Web Hosting

WordPress is the go-to platform for its flexibility and user-friendly interface. Bluehost offers an affordable hosting solution with a free domain and easy WordPress integration. With a few clicks, you can have your blog up and running.

For your blog to be accessible to the world, you’ll need two primary things: web hosting (your blog’s home) and a domain name (your blog’s unique address). Bluehost, a trusted web hosting provider, bundles these together, making the process seamless and cost-effective. If you need a rundown of other web hosts, please check this post.

Choosing the Right Plan

You’ll be presented with various hosting plans when you visit Bluehost’s website.

My top pick is the Choice Plus plan. The most economical option provides a free domain and domain privacy for the initial year. Still, it also bundles in benefits like a complimentary SSL certificate, CDN, 40 GB of SSD storage, daily data backups, and protection against malware. This plan ensures you’re well-equipped and leaves ample room for future growth.

On a tighter budget? The Basic plan is a more cost-effective monthly choice. However, I want you to know that it doesn’t include a complimentary domain. Should you opt for this and need a part, acquiring a .com through Bluehost will set you back $12.99 for its first year.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Consider opting for the three-year package for optimal savings over an extended period. While the monthly cost for the inaugural year might be a tad higher, the subsequent two years offer substantial discounts, making the overall investment worthwhile.

However, the one-year package is a commendable alternative if a three-year commitment feels daunting.Once you select the best plan for you, it’s time to pick your domain. If you’re not ready to pick, click “I’ll create my domain later.”Next, You’ll be prompted to input fundamental account information such as your name, country, address, and email. You’ll be given an overview of your selected package. Ensure all details here are accurate.

Further down, you’ll encounter various add-on options. Your chosen plan already includes a complimentary SSL. Any paid SSL add-on would merely enhance this included feature, which might not be necessary. Additionally, features akin to SiteLock Essentials can be sourced for free through specific WordPress plugins. Yoast’s no-cost SEO variant suffices for most needs, and if you ever think about integrating Google Workspace, it’s purchasable directly via Google at your discretion.

Step 3: Select a Theme and Customize Your Blog

Your theme gives the first impression. You can just look for a simple design that reflects your style and is easy to navigate for readers. With WordPress, you can tweak themes or switch to a new one as your blog evolves. Remember that the most successful websites are also the most basic in their design. Google is a white page that says “Google” with a search bar. Amazon is a white page with product images and a price. KEEP IT SIMPLE! Easy to read, direct, and informative. Google is pushing HELPFUL content to the top, so keep that in mind when you’re doing your design pass.

Step 4: Optimize Your Blog for SEO

Remember to incorporate keywords naturally, like “how to start a personal blog” and related terms (LSI keywords) such as “blogging,” “web hosting,” and “monetize.” In the example above, you’d make a post for each keyword; “How to throw a football spiral” would be one article.

Step 5: Create Authentic Content

Share your stories, experiences, and knowledge. If you don’t know how to throw a football, it isn’t your niche. That’s okay! There is always something you know that somebody else wants to know.

Or, if you want to learn how to throw a football spiral, understand it and share that experience. It will work in your favor if you stay honest!

Your personal touch is what will set your blog apart. Please update your blog with fresh content regularly, and don’t hesitate to use elements like images or videos to show how to do it.

Making a YouTube video to go along with the post and then interlinking the two is a great move, too. Would you like to know why? Because you’d get excellent views if you made a great video on “how to throw a football spiral.”

Here is the proof!

Now… there’s no way for you to know this, but I didn’t search that term on YouTube beforehand. It was an educated guess. Either way, take a look — aside from YouTube Shorts, the top result has 1.6 MILLION VIEWS, is three years old, the average view for this term is 777,000 views, the average video is four years old, it’s low competition, and the volume is there. 

Not bad! If you made a channel on this topic and made a personal blog, you’d do pretty well for yourself. You’re welcome!

Step 6: Monetize Your Sports Blog

Now, the exciting part! There are a bunch of ways you can monetize your traffic…

  • Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services you genuinely recommend. Platforms like Bluehost offer affiliate programs, allowing you to earn a commission for every user who signs up through your link.
  • Ad Revenue: Platforms like Google AdSense can display ads on your site. You’ll earn based on views or clicks.
  • Sponsored Content: Companies might compensate you for creating content that matches their products or services.
  • Digital Products: Ebooks, online courses, or printables related to your niche can be a great source of income.
  • Subscription Models: Offer premium content to subscribers for a monthly fee.
  • Donations: Platforms like Buy Me a Coffee allow loyal readers to support you.

Remember, diversification is critical. Relying on multiple income streams can stabilize your earnings and reduce risks.


Starting and monetizing a sports blog can seem daunting, but it’s entirely achievable with the right tools and strategy. Prioritize authenticity, provide value, and remember that patience is crucial. The world awaits your voice. Ready to start your blogging journey and potentially make it profitable? Kickstart with Bluehost today!

If you like my style and want to work with me, I offer a 1 hour consultation call along with a content package that harnesses the power of AI. And it kills it in the rankings! Contact me.