How To Set Up Web Hosting Instantly On a New Blog…

How Much Does it Cost To Start a Blog?

Starting a new blog costs between $59-$142, depending on the plan you go with. I recommend to go with a 3 year, 36 month option because it gets you the best deal for the lowest price. 

Web Management Services for Small Business

Step One: Click Here Then Click Get Started

Step Two: Choose the Yearly Plans and under Shared Starter plan click Sign Up Now. If your business needs extra RAM and dedicated resources, then pick the dedicated server option and choose from the Standard 4-16.

Step Three: Register a New Domain Name (either a .com, .org, .net, .info etc) For Instance, For example it could be but with your name there. Or with your name and the primary focus of the site 😉

For me I would use or similar

If you want to choose your domain later, click Choose a domain later

Step Four: On the right you’ll pick your plan and choose what add ons you may or may not want.

Choose 36 Month For The Best Deal

This Step Should Cost Between $58 (12 month plan) And $116 (36 Month Plan)

If You Follow The Steps Correctly, You’ll have your new website!

Do You Need a Traffic Plan?

Having a new website is great and all, but unless you’re sending paid traffic to the page it’ll need some good content in your niche so that it’s picked up in Google’s search results! Without traffic there is NO business!

Want a Content Strategy with Starter Content? Click Here